
Yarn Balls

Yarn balls What you need is: 1- yarn                                 2- white glue                                3- balloon The steps : 1- blow the balloon .                    2- .cover the balloon with the white glue.                   3-wrap the yarn over the balloon  more than one time.                    4- wait for it till it dries and then pop the balloon.

Diy Photo Frame

DIY Photo Frame What you want is : 1- frame                                2- photos                                3- string                                 4- glue                                5- paper The steps are : 1- stick the photos in the string.                  ...

Diy Door Decoration

DIY Door Decoration All you need is : 1- cutter                           2- washi tape                           3-ruler                           4- scissors                           5- door The steps are : 1- cut the washi tape into the shapes that you want .                          2- stick them in the door in the order that you want  you can use th...

Diy String Art Sign

DIY String Art Sign All you need is: 1- nails                            2- many colors of wool                            3- hammer                             4- scissors                                                                     ...